19 February 2024


Welcome to the QSDCA Playing Regulations Review for 2024.

This is the blog site https://qsdcaplayingregsreview2024.blogspot.com/

Link printed so it can be copied off paper printouts.

 UPDATE Tu 16-Jul-2024:

On Monday, 10 Notices of Motion put to delegates were adopted without amendments at the QSDCA AGM.

 This is the first post of the QSDCA 2024 Playing regulations review.

This is part of a series of blogs which have been running for a number of years now. A pattern has been  established. And it must be improved.

The pattern is: I write a lotta stuff. It gets shovelled into the AGM in July and it gets passed or doesn't. Then people complain when it doesn't work properly in October or February.

 A lot of 'man in the pub' complaints and 'I reckon we oughtta..." will not get us very far.

There's too little feedback, too little consideration, too little analysis, too little thinking.

This means work. It does not come for free.

The challenge is vast, the task enormous...ish. But the benefits are better games, better cricket.

The alternative is putting up with things and that will annoy us more


I'm gonna use this blog to discuss and develop new regulations unless someone comes up with a better way.


Topics considered in 2024 are:

Click LINK TO DISCUSSION. or Notice of Motion Link

Notices of Motion List 29 Jun 2024

Submitted by Bracken Ridge DCC

NOM 2024-01 Start a Sat 1 day only grade  

Endorsed for AGM by Management Committee 27 Jun 2024

NOM 2024-02 Time Limit for Reg 46 & 47 Appeals 


NOM 2024-03 Reg 7 The Team List 

NOM 2024-05 Reg 3 Registration of Players    
NOM 2024-06 Law 15 Declaration and Forfeiture   
NOM 2024-07 App F (new) Doubtful Bowling Action Procedure 
NOM 2024-08 Reg 23.6 -23.13 Replacement Players in Over 40's competition  
NOM 2024-09 Reg 20.1 Start of Play Time Change (Saturdays)   
NOM 2024-11 Reg 35.11 Hours of Play (in Finals)
NOM 2024-12 Reg 34 Points for a Draw (No play)  

NOM 2024-10 Reg 23.2.3 Replacement Player in Finals 
    • xxx link xxx (IN PREPARATION)


 All these dropped by Management Committee.



  • Please feel free to join in the discussions. (See below.)

  • There will be a page of this blog dedicated to each issue. (coming soon...)

  • Click on LINK TO DISCUSSION links to read more. (also coming soon...)

  • On every page readers may make any comment or suggestion they wish.

  • Such comments are subject to moderation (which means I can control any irrelevant stuff).


ABM 19-Feb-2024

(Updated 29-Jun-2024) 



  • Click on this link for a guide on how to post a comment. https://tinyurl.com/kmkvpub 

  • If you can't do a comment perhaps it would be easier to send me an email at maurice19cricket at gmail.com 

    • The email address has been 'munged' to prevent 'spamming'.

    • To use it copy and paste into your email software and replace the " at " with a "@"   

  • Comments can be entered on each discussion page. (They are subject to moderation.)

  • Useful comments are appreciated.

 The overall aim is to present reviewed regulations at the QSDCA AGM in July for adoption by the Association.

  • Just because some matter is being talked about here doesn't mean it's inevitable.

  • Just because we're not talking about it yet doesn't mean it can't happen either.


18 February 2024

Reg 7 The Team List

PlayHQ has made the intention of this regulation confused and confusing.
Many teams seem to have blithely assumed that the PlayHQ electronic entry is a suitable substitute for the paper team list without paying heed to the advice at Association meetings.

Last year's regulation updates served only to make things hard to follow.

PlayHQ team lineup is too loose for our preferred practices. 

It needs to be clear that we want to follow Law 1.2.1 properly and fully.

1.2 Nomination and replacement of players
1.2.1 Each captain shall nominate his/her players in writing to one of the umpires before the toss.
1.2.2 No player may be replaced after the nomination without the consent of the opposing

From The Laws of Cricket  (2017 Code 3rd edition)


 PlayHQ team lineup remains editable after the game to allow post game result entry by paper scorebook users.... this directly violates Reg 7.8 (no change to the team after the coin toss).

There is a permissible way to change players after the toss in case of injuries... but it's formal and controlled. See Reg 23.2....

Paper Printouts of PlayHQ team lineups on match day are acceptable (As long as they're CORRECT!!) 

What about screen grabs? Emails/SMS's on people's mobile phones?.... eergh... 

The solution to this problem needs a simple solution not complications.


We're going back to paper team list forms in 24/25.

The carbon paper books are too expensive and difficult to distribute.

It will be photocopied paper forms in 2024/25.

This form at the QSDCA website is the form. LINK

Print it out or make some photocopies. Captains, put it with your kit.  

The new rules will emphasize the tasks of:

  • CAPTAINS exchanging team lists especially in cases of no official umpire
  • UMPIRES collecting team lists and maybe filing them online with their umpire report.
  • No alteration to the team list after the toss unless specifically approved by the association.

Time for a rewrite.  

 Here's a first and second draft.

Applies to All Competitions

Preamble: The Team List is a very important part of a competitive cricket match. Both Team Captains are responsible for ensuring that the Team List is ompleted with all replacement players correctly and fully named before the match begins. The Team List must not be altered after the toss. Teams risk loss of points or disqualification for failing to comply with this regulation. Removed parts of this are made into actual rules further down.
Preamble: The Team List is a very important part of a competitive cricket match. Both Team Captains are responsible for ensuring that the Team List is completed with all replacement players correctly and fully named before the match begins. The Team List must not be altered after the toss. Teams risk loss of points or disqualification for failing to comply with this regulation.

from the Preamble
7.2 Teams risk loss of points or disqualification for failing to comply with this regulation.

7.3 On the first day of each match, a paper Team List will be completed by each team for all matches (xxx in all competitions. regardless of PlayHQ entries.xxx)

Make this a rule not a preamble 7.x Both Team Captains are responsible for ensuring that the Team List is completed with all replacement players correctly and fully named before the match begins.
7.1 The Team List means a written or electronic list of all players eligible to bat and bowl in the match showing all replaced players and the players who replaced them at any point in the match. A definition, lose the electronic qualifier...
7.1 The Team List means a written or electronic list of all players eligible to bat and bowl in the match.

...and split it up to make it clearer..
7.1.1 The Team List will show all replaced players and the players who replaced them at any point in the match.

7.1.2 The Team List must not be altered after the toss.

7.1.3 Note the provisions of Playing Regulation 23 Replacement Players as it applies to each different competition.

7.2 Players will be listed on the Team List with their full name as shown in registration records.

7.x Players will be listed on the Team List with their full name as shown in registration records.
7.2.1 This means no use of initials or familiar names.
7.x.1 This means no use of initials or familiar names.
7.2.2 Players named on the Team List must be registered as in Playing Regulation 3 and have clearance as in Playing Regulation 5 before the start of play.
7.x.2 Players named on the Team List must be registered as in Playing Regulation 3 and have clearance as in Playing Regulation 5 before the start of play.

fill ins exception? 7.x.3 Note that PlayHQ allows not previously registered players to play one time and then they are required to be properly registered before playing a second time. This is called a "fill in". Any player who appears more than one time as a fill is in violation of Regulation 3.
7.2.3 Both Captains will identify to the umpire(s) the ages of all players under 18 years. Reword this more clearly
7.x.4 Each team captain is responsible for identifying the ages of players under 18 years on the Team List.
7.3 A Team List will be completed for each team for all matches. This should go higher in the list. but is repeated elsewhere.
7.xx A paper Team List will be completed for each team for all matches.
7.4 The Team Lists will be entered in the match abstract.
7.4 After the match has been completed, the PlayHQ team lineup will match the Team List.
7.5 Captains from each team will exchange completed Team Lists before the toss.
7.xx Team Captains will exchange copies of the completed Team Lists before the toss.
7.5.1 Teams entered electronically in PlayHQ for the match are considered exchanged for the purposes of Playing Regulations 7.5 to 7.7. This is revoked.
7.5.1 Teams entered electronically in PlayHQ for the match are considered exchanged for the purposes of Playing Regulations 7.5 to 7.7.
7.6 When an Umpire is in attendance, the Team List will be given to the umpires also.
7.xxx When an Umpire is in attendance, Team Captains will give the completed Team Lists will be given to the umpires also.
7.7 The Umpire’s Team List will be kept by the umpire. Add something like Umpire will file the team list somewhere? What's practical?
7.7 The Umpire’s Team List will be kept by the umpire for a period which will exceed the possibility of dispute arising.
7.8 The Team Lists will not be altered after the toss unless a replacement is authorised under Playing Regulation 23.2. See 7.1.2 and 7.1.3 above

7.9 The Umpire’s Team List will be used as a reference in any dispute which may arise.
7.9 The Umpire’s Team List may be used as a reference evidence in any dispute which may arise.
7.10 Example Team Lists for each competition are available at the website shown below.
7.10 Example Team Lists for each competition are available at the website shown below.
or at https://qsdca.com.au/08f-forms-diagrams-for-match-day/

or at https://qsdca.com.au/08f-forms-diagrams-for-match-day/

 After another edit, the new proposed regulation 7 looks like this:



Applies to All Competitions

Preamble: The Team List is a very important part of a competitive cricket match.  

7.1 The Team List means a written list of all players eligible to bat and bowl in the match.
7.2 Teams risk loss of points or disqualification for failing to comply with this regulation.

7.3 On the first day of every match in all competitions, a paper Team List will be completed by both teams.
7.4 Team Captains will exchange copies of the completed Team Lists before the toss.
7.5 When an Umpire is in attendance, Team Captains will give completed Team Lists to the umpire also.
7.6 Play will not begin until both Team Lists have been completed and exchanged.

7.7 Players will be listed on the Team List with their full name as shown in registration records.
7.7.1 Note this means no use of initials or familiar names.
7.8 Players named on the Team List must be registered as in Playing Regulation 3 and have clearance as in Playing Regulation 5 before the start of play.
7.8.1 Note that PlayHQ allows not previously registered players to play one time and then they are required to be registered before playing a second time. This is called a "fill in".
7.8.2 Any player who appears more than one time as a “fill in” is in violation of Regulation 3.
7.9 Each team captain is responsible for identifying the ages of players under 18 years on the Team List.

7.10 Both Team Captains are responsible for ensuring that the Team List is completed with all replacement players correctly and fully named before the match begins.
7.11 The Team List must not be altered after the toss.
7.12.1 Note the provisions of Playing Regulation 23 Replacement Players as it applies to each different competition.
7.12.2 Note the permissions required in Playing Regulation 23.2 to replace a named player in unexpected circumstances for a Two Day match.

7.12 After the match has been completed, the PlayHQ team lineup will match the Team List.
7.13 The Team List will show all unexpected replacement players and the players they replaced at any point in the match.
7.14 The Umpire’s Team List will be kept by the umpire for a length of time which will exceed the possibility of dispute arising.
7.15 The Umpire’s Team List may be used as evidence in any dispute which may arise.

7.16 Example Team Lists for each competition are available at the website https://qsdca.com.au/08f-forms-diagrams-for-match-day/
7.17 SEE FULL SIZE QSDCA FORM in the DIAGRAMS APPENDIX or at https://qsdca.com.au/08f-forms-diagrams-for-match-day/

Note: Some minor modifications (new Reg 7.2, renumbering) were made following Management Committee discussion on 27-Jun-2024

A similar change is strongly recommended for CCC Reg 7.

ABM 18-Feb-2024

(Updated 28-Jun-2024) 




  • Click on this link for a guide on how to post a comment. https://tinyurl.com/kmkvpub 

  • If you can't do a comment perhaps it would be easier to send me an email at maurice19cricket at gmail.com 

  • The email address has been 'munged' to prevent 'spamming'.

  • To use it copy and paste into your email app and replace the " at " with a "@"   

  • Comments can be entered on each discussion page. (They are subject to moderation.)

  • Useful comments are appreciated.

17 February 2024

Reg 10 Fitness of Grounds

  •  The current procedure is not being followed very well. There is some confusion among players and clubs as to who is making the decision to call off play on wet days or following wet weather when pitches etc are damp.
  • Many people are unable to read or understand the "Captains inspect and agree" protocol. In particular the notifications list is not being followed very carefully.
  • In the distant past this may have made sense when club captains and pitch curators were often the same person (or at least were good mates with each other). Nowadays there are many more 'foreigner' teams playing at neutral grounds. Also these "foreigner' teams are new to the association and unfamiliar with procedures.
  • Games seem to be being called off by random people who claim groundsman status. This seems risky and random. Such calls need to be accountable. Appointment of groundskeeper is a club executive job though. Association does not need to interfere in this... or end up being blamed for what they say either!!
  • Umpires are not being called off and get expenses when there's no game played. This wasted cost is annoying to clubs and players who are forced to pay it. 
  • There are now some variations to the payment of wicket fees in some Sunday competitions. Previously the call off of a day's play had no effect on the payment of wicket fees. (They were due no matter what happened.)
  • Naturally, Captains are unable or unwilling to travel across town to make inspections when a local groundskeeper is able to make a decision easily. Brisbane is very big these days (more grounds are located in outer suburbs) and petrol is expensive.
  • In some cases (say, late season where teams are desperate for points) a team captain will insist on making an in person inspection. That 'right' is preserved by "10.6 Team Captains' decision about ground fitness will be made after the Captains or their representatives have inspected the ground on the day of the match or waived their opportunity to do so."
  • This clause means that when a start on a wet day is in question, a visiting team captain might delay agreement to call the day's play off until he has had a chance to visit the ground to inspect it.
So let's re-organise the protocol a bit.
  • The first proposal is to add an (appointed by the club) groundskeeper better/officially/somehow and rewrite the wet day tasks as a simpler checklist.
  • Then combine it with the same kind of clause for School grounds...
  • and then modify the "captain decide together" step
  • Further down the contact steps for after a call off decision are more concise.
OLD REGULATIONS What does this mean?/ Why does it need change? PROPOSED NEW REGULATION
Applies to All Competitions

Applies to All Competitions

10.1 A Club's Groundskeeper is appointed by the executive of each club which operates cricket grounds.

definition 10.2 The Umpire Co-ordinator is appointed by the Management Committee to relay messages directly to individual Umpires.

Add a step involving a club groundskeeper
10.3 Before the start of play for any match played on a club operated ground, the Club Groundskeeper will have overriding authority to decide whether play will commence or continue.

the communication step...
10.3.1 If the day's play is called off the club groundskeeper or their representative will tell participating Team Captains Club Secretaries of participating teams and the Umpire Co-ordinator.

10.4 Before the start of play for any match played on a School ground, the School’s Principal or Groundskeeper appointed by the Principal will have overriding authority to determine whether play will commence or continue.

10.4.1 If the day's play is called off the school’s Principal or groundskeeper or their representative will tell participating Team Captains Club Secretaries of participating teams and the Umpire Co-ordinator.
10.1 Before the start of play, any decision regarding the fitness of a ground for play will be made together by the captains of the teams drawn to play on that ground.
if no call from groundskeeper, then captains together....
10.5 In the absence of any groundskeeper decision regarding the fitness of a ground for play, a decision will be made together by the captains of the teams drawn to play on that ground.
10.2 Such decision will be made after the Captains or their representatives have inspected the ground on the day of the match or waived their opportunity to do so.

10.6 Team Captains' decision about ground fitness will be made after the Captains or their representatives have inspected the ground on the day of the match or waived their opportunity to do so.
10.3 If the day’s play is called off then the Captains will tell the Umpires Coordinator for the association immediately.

10.7 If the day's play is called off then Captains will immediately tell:

10.7.1 the Umpire's Co-ordinator for the association
10.4 If the day’s play is called off then both Captains will tell their Club Secretaries.
10.7.2 their own Club Secretaries
10.5 If the day’s play is called off when the match is to be played at a neutral ground Captains will contact the Club Secretary of the host ground’s club also.

10.7.3 (when the match is to be played at a neutral ground) the Club Secretary of the host ground's club

10.7.4 Contact phone numbers are posted on the Association website at www.qsdca.com.au
10.6 If the day’s play is not called off then umpires and players will attend the ground at the normal time for play.

10.8 If the day’s play is not called off then umpires and players will attend the ground at the normal time for play.
10.7 For any match played on a School wicket, the school’s Principal or groundsman appointed by the Principal will have overriding authority to determine whether play will commence or continue.
moved up a bit

10.8 After play has commenced all decisions concerning the fitness of the pitch, ground, weather and light for play will be made by the Umpire(s).
10.8 No changes
10.9 In the absence of official umpire(s) Captains will agree about fitness of the pitch, ground, weather and light for play.
10.9 No changes
10.9.1 When captains are unable to reach an agreement, the state of the match will continue unchanged until agreement can be reached.
10.9.1 No changes


10.10 Play will be suspended in Dangerous or Unreasonable Conditions

10.10 No changes
10.10.1 The following will apply in addition to Law 2.8 (2017 Code 3rd ed.)

No changes
10.10.2 [30/30 Rule] If thunder follows a lightning flash by 30 seconds or less, play must cease immediately.
No changes
10.10.3 Players and umpires must leave the field immediately and must not return until 30 minutes after the initial lightning flash.
No changes
10.10.4 If during the suspension of play thunder follows a lightning flash by 30 seconds or less, the 30 minute suspension period is to recommence.
No changes
10.10.5 Refer to Appendix G Lightning Safety 30-30 Rule.
No changes

On 27-Jun-2024 Management Committee expressed the view that this idea is unworkable. The proposal is dropped

ABM 17-Feb-2024

(Updated 28-Jun-2024) 




  • Click on this link for a guide on how to post a comment. https://tinyurl.com/kmkvpub 

  • If you can't do a comment perhaps it would be easier to send me an email at maurice19cricket at gmail.com 

  • The email address has been 'munged' to prevent 'spamming'.

  • To use it copy and paste into your email app and replace the " at " with a "@"   

  • Comments can be entered on each discussion page. (They are subject to moderation.)

  • Useful comments are appreciated.


16 February 2024

Reg 23.1 Replacement Players


  • Allow more 'slash' players
  • It's been 3 for a while. 
  • It was less in the past. 
  • Is it time to allow 4 or 5?


This idea is not going ahead.

ABM 1.7.24

15 February 2024

Reg 23.2 Unexpected Replacement Players

  • Simplify Reg 23.2 Unexpected Replacements. 
  • People seem to be unable to read and understand it. 
  • Is it too long and complex? 
  • Make it simpler but not slacker.


This is not going ahead.

ABM 1.7.24

14 February 2024

Law 15 Declaration and Forfeiture

  • This is in the category of 'common sense'. Some of us may even be thinking why do we need this new regulation. (You can't declare in a one dayer! What??!)
  • Well, a team actually declared in a one dayer in 23/24 (which makes this regulation necessary now because there was no rule in place which would actually have stopped it.)
  • A one day declaration is not just unprecedented, it's actually against the rules for (big) one day cricket. Go read the  ICC ODI Playing Conditions. LINK
  • It is unarguable that it should not be happening in a QSDCA limited over match.
  • The following added Playing Regulation is meant to stop declaration in limited over matches.
 A similar change is strongly recommended for CCC Reg 27.1
OLD REGULATIONS What does this mean?/Why does it need change? PROPOSED NEW REGULATION
For Saturday One Day 35 Over Matches /
For Sunday 50 Over Matches /
For Super 20 Matches /
For Sunday Over 40’s – 40 Over Matches

These changes are proposed for all 4 limited over sets of regulations.
For Saturday One Day 35 Over Matches /
For Sunday 50 Over Matches /
For Super 20 Matches /
For Sunday Over 40’s – 40 Over Matches

New 24.1.1 through 24.1.4 are adapted from ICC ODI Playing Conditions Dec 2023 Laws 13, 14 and 15 LINK 24.1 NUMBER OF INNINGS
24.1.1 A limited over match will be one innings for each side.

24.1.2 Each side will take their innings alternately.

24.1.3 Law 14 The Follow On  will not apply.

24.1.4 Law 15 Declaration and Forfeiture will not apply.
24.1 Each team will bat for 35/50/20/40 overs unless all out earlier.
Previous Reg 24.1 is moved to 24.2 IN AN UNINTERRUPTED MATCH
24.2 Each team will bat for 20/35/40/50 overs unless all out earlier.

ABM 14-Feb-2024

(Updated 24-Jun-2024) 




  • Click on this link for a guide on how to post a comment. https://tinyurl.com/kmkvpub 

  • If you can't do a comment perhaps it would be easier to send me an email at maurice19cricket at gmail.com 

  • The email address has been 'munged' to prevent 'spamming'.

  • To use it copy and paste into your email app and replace the " at " with a "@"   

  • Comments can be entered on each discussion page. (They are subject to moderation.)

  • Useful comments are appreciated.


13 February 2024

Reg 20.1 Hours of Play (Saturday competition)


Playing time start of 12.30pm Saturday might be extended by a few weeks from 31-Oct to 15-Nov to avoid bad light calls late in the day at that time of year.



Surprisingly, there is an actual Playing regulation which controls this.

Reg 20.1 and 20.2  specify an end of October transition date for the change of start time.

Early in the season Saturday Playing Hours are 12.30p to 5.30p.  Reg 20.1 and 20.2 specify the change to 1pm start happens the Saturday following 31-Oct.

If I recall correctly, the exact date has been varied by Management Committee edict in the past (maybe 10-12 years ago.)

The change needed here is to modify regulations 20.1 and 20.2 to say that Management Committee can vary the date of transition by a few weeks if they decide to do so.

The recent suggestions to have a permanent 12.30pm start for Saturday cricket all season has been quashed by the desire to maintain a transport window between the end of morning (junior) cricket and afternoon (senior) cricket.  

For Saturday Two Day Matches
For Saturday Two Day Matches

20.1 Matches played up to and including 31st October will commence at 12.30pm and finish at 5.30pm subject to conditions in Playing Regulations 20 to 34. 20.1 In the early part of the season matches played up to and including 31st October will commence at 12.30pm and finish at 5.30pm subject to conditions in Playing Regulations 20 to 34.
20.2 Matches will commence at 1.00pm and finish at 6.00pm throughout the remainder of the season subject to conditions in Playing Regulations 20 to 34. 20.1.1 The transition date for this change is expected to be 31 October but can be varied by a motion passed by the management Committee.

20.2 Matches will commence at 1.00pm and finish at 6.00pm throughout the remainder of the season subject to conditions in Playing Regulations 20 to 34.

ABM 13-Feb-2024

(Updated 01-Jul-2024) 



  • Click on this link for a guide on how to post a comment. https://tinyurl.com/kmkvpub 

  • If you can't do a comment perhaps it would be easier to send me an email at maurice19cricket at gmail.com 

  • The email address has been 'munged' to prevent 'spamming'.

  • To use it copy and paste into your email app and replace the " at " with a "@"   

  • Comments can be entered on each discussion page. (They are subject to moderation.)

  • Useful comments are appreciated.