13 February 2024

Reg 20.1 Hours of Play (Saturday competition)


Playing time start of 12.30pm Saturday might be extended by a few weeks from 31-Oct to 15-Nov to avoid bad light calls late in the day at that time of year.



Surprisingly, there is an actual Playing regulation which controls this.

Reg 20.1 and 20.2  specify an end of October transition date for the change of start time.

Early in the season Saturday Playing Hours are 12.30p to 5.30p.  Reg 20.1 and 20.2 specify the change to 1pm start happens the Saturday following 31-Oct.

If I recall correctly, the exact date has been varied by Management Committee edict in the past (maybe 10-12 years ago.)

The change needed here is to modify regulations 20.1 and 20.2 to say that Management Committee can vary the date of transition by a few weeks if they decide to do so.

The recent suggestions to have a permanent 12.30pm start for Saturday cricket all season has been quashed by the desire to maintain a transport window between the end of morning (junior) cricket and afternoon (senior) cricket.  

For Saturday Two Day Matches
For Saturday Two Day Matches

20.1 Matches played up to and including 31st October will commence at 12.30pm and finish at 5.30pm subject to conditions in Playing Regulations 20 to 34. 20.1 In the early part of the season matches played up to and including 31st October will commence at 12.30pm and finish at 5.30pm subject to conditions in Playing Regulations 20 to 34.
20.2 Matches will commence at 1.00pm and finish at 6.00pm throughout the remainder of the season subject to conditions in Playing Regulations 20 to 34. 20.1.1 The transition date for this change is expected to be 31 October but can be varied by a motion passed by the management Committee.

20.2 Matches will commence at 1.00pm and finish at 6.00pm throughout the remainder of the season subject to conditions in Playing Regulations 20 to 34.

ABM 13-Feb-2024

(Updated 01-Jul-2024) 



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1 comment:

  1. Slightly related to this. Do we have any rules regarding the use of artificial light in matches?

    With the new LED technology, it seems like more fields are (slowly) getting upgraded.

    Without getting into lux/Lumens specifics, can we include the option for field lights to be turned on?

    Not trying to play night games. Just want to use the infrastructure, if it’s there, to get an extra 1/2 hour of play in those annoying twilight/gloomy scenarios.

    Umpires would still have final call on bad light.
