12 February 2024

Reg 6 Grading of Teams

Introduce formal promotion and relegation rules.
  • Difficult to do right since there are complications which arise from continuity of player lists 
  • (i.e. a good side who wins this year. loses a couple of key champs will become very uncompetitive in a higher grade next year)
  • Any actual rule might become cumbersome since we would be having to break it almost immediately when the first complicating problem comes up.
  • Since C grades are now a little bit geographic (eg. C2 is south and east suburbs, C3 is north and west) promotion and relegation might inappropriate or inconvenient for some grades.
  • To work at all this might need detailed grading decisions to be made regarding dozens of playing records. Do we have the resources to do this?
  • Can we use the PlayHQ Player points system to do this? (and what is it? 😎 )
  • Previously we have relied on "judgement"... which seems to work less and less well each year... so maybe we need to try something more detailed..
  • What are CCC's plans? (The B1/CCC2 junction is where this will mean costs, commitment levels, wishes and hopes get rolled up in the problem the most.)

This idea ain't going anywhere.

 ABM 15-Jul-2024

1 comment:

  1. Another slightly related one.

    Wondering if there's an opportunity to clarify the movement of players between grades for South Brisbane CC. Firstly, i want to say I think its great that grade clubs can participate in subbies and definitely want to see more of it.

    Last year Souths had a B2 and C4 team in subbies and a C1 team in warehouse. From what i can see, the player movement between those three teams looked like a normal subbies club; players went up and down due to form/availability. Nothing abnormal.

    But looking at our regs (4.6), it doesn't seem like there's the same restraints in movements between grades. To go from B2 to C1 within subbies you need crickops approval, but to go from B2 subbies to C1 warehouse, you don't.

    Do we put something in the regs that deem, on face value, e.g B1 subbies = B1 warehouse, for the purposes of grading a player?

    Also, how does this impact on the 'consecutive grades' rule for finals (35.20)?

    Coorparoo CC
